The word « meditation » usually conjures up the vision of a Sage sitting in a beautiful natural environment far away from our stressful life and experiencing a blissful state... Is this also possible for us?

Patanjali, a great Sage who lived in India during the 8th century BC, taught a scientific way to meditate which can be followed by anyone and which is based upon direct experience. No specific cultural background is necessary. Traditionally, the practical part of meditation is taught orally and therefore is not accessible to everyone on this planet.

After more than 40 years of personal practice, over 30 years of experience teaching Mental Silence Meditation to my patients, and in the view of the great results obtained, it became obvious to me that it was desirable to transmit this practical knowledge to a greater number of persons. After having written a small book on the subject, I preferred to develop this course in a more modern way on the Internet. The book is available on Amazon for those who prefer to read a book.

In the following course you will find a succession of exercises with the possibility to check your experience on the way. In a short time, probably one session of one hour, you will experience a state of Mental Silence, a totally peaceful state of consciousness with a complete physical and mental relaxation.

No need for a device, a therapist, or an audiotape. The technique is purely mental and you can practice it alone and almost anywhere. You have total freedom.

A regular practice of this technique will solve your problems related to stress (anxiety, insomnia, irritability, fatique, somatization...) and generate great results in your daily life, speeding up your personal evolution.

Mental Silence Meditation technique is clearly explained and easy to practice. It is easily accessible to people of all ages and cultural background.

The goal of this course is to lead you to the experience of Mental Silence. You will find answers to your questions in the FAQ section of the course. If you don’t find the answer to your question, you can write to me and I shall answer you personally.

Dr. Bertrand Martin, MD, MPH, CAyu, Psychiatrist, Vevey, Switzerland.
